Bad Pixie (12 of #)

I haven't really talked about the Bad Pixie for awhile. She's a small little person with a closed little mind. Everything she wanted from her president has been a joke: His wall that Mexico was going to pay for and will (if built) cost the American people billions of dollars, his immigrant bans that he can seem to make legal, his attempts to destroy healthcare for the average American, and most recently his attempt to give billions in tax breaks to billionaires while screwing middle and low income Americans. 

Her answer to too many gun deaths is to blame liberals. Protest fascism - blame liberals. She supports the NRA which is the paid lobby of the gun industry and no longer the educational organization it once was. 

This week's elections, not just in my home state of Virginia, but across the country were a clear repudiation of Trump and Republican policies. Bad Pixie is on the wrong side of history and if she lives a couple more years she will see her white nationalist utopia crumble and die.

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