The other day the Bad Pixie said this. "Harry the Antifa calls me a bitch. It's funny. An example of mental health issues." 3:15 PM - 28 Sep 2017
I let that one slide. I called you a bitch, because that's what you are. You are a hateful troll whose brain is slowly dying. You are the one with mental health issues, not me.
Today she attacked me again. "Harry the Antifa is ashamed of our flag, but then he's also a democrat. So it makes perverted sense." 10:54 PM - 28 Sep 2017
Her evidence? Nothing. She was replying to a tweet from another right-wing-nut trumpster.
Here is her problem, or at least one of them. She gets her news from Breitbart, Fox, and other propaganda outlets of the far, far right. She has no idea that many of the things she reads are produced in bot farms in Russia by hackers who have not stopped trying (successfully) to influence our politics. Her slowly deteriorating brain can no long use the logic she claims to have to separate facts from fiction.
She hates me. It's mutual. We were friends for over eight years, but as she and her politics became more and more unbalanced, I challenged her political statements. I pointed out opposing views and corrected falsehoods that she was swallowing and regurgitating whole on Twitter. She ignored (and still does ignore) facts that have been reported over and over again from multiple reliable news sources. I think she has slandered every major news outlet in the world with the exceptions of Fox and Sputnik.
Now back to the quotes at the top of this post. I said previously that if she wants me to stop talking about her, she needs to stop talking about me. She is libeling me in print on Twitter by identifying me as "Antifa" which I am not, nor ever have been part of that group. You can call me an antifascist, because all Americans should be against the fascist ideology of nazis, KKK, and other white supremacist groups. Antifa groups create violence in response to fascists at protest rallies and do no good.
Her biggest lie is to say I am "ashamed of our (American) flag". Her evidence? Nothing. My only guess is that since I am a Democrat, and believe that all of our citizens should be treated equally, that government should "promote
the general Welfare", that our government needs to be lead by honest men not out to make a profit while wages stagnate and children go hungry, and I disagree with her, then I am un-American and hate the flag. She is so full of her own bigoted shit.
Listen up Bad Pixie Lying Bitch. If you continue to libel me, I will go to Twitter and report your behavior. I don't talk about you on Twitter, and I wouldn't have to talk about you here if you didn't continue libeling me.
End of Story.
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