Nazis in Charlottesville

Last night the Nazis invaded Charlottesville. They came to protest the planned removal of a statue of Robert E Lee. That was their proclaimed reason. I think it was more likely they came to get publicity and support from other white supremacists, KKK, and and racist trumpers. Instead of burning crosses they carried tiki torches.

Today they were back for the official protest in the park. They came with their nazi and confederate flags. They brought their own heavily armed militia. They took full advantage of their white privilege  to be the disgusting jack booted thugs that they are.

The good news so far (the day is not over) is that they were outnumbered by hundreds of counter protesters who shouted them down and let them know they have no place here.

UPDATE: Sunday, Aug 13, 2017

A 20 year-old alt-right (i.e. Nazi sympathizer) drove his car into a crowd and two other cars in Charlottesville yesterday killing a young woman and injuring numerous others. It was an act of domestic terrorism.

Whatever you want to call them -- alt- right, white nationalist, nazis, neo-nazis, white supremacist or the KKK, they are all heads of an evil and deadly hate-filled beast. There is no place in the United States of America for their vile beliefs.

I'm talking about you Pixie. You're part of the problem, not the solution.

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