Bad Pixie (6 of #)

Or should I say:

So this sorry piece of crap challenges me to watch an alt-right video rant by calling me a coward if I don't sit through all 25 minutes of twisted logic and more 'fucks' than I care to count.

The video is produced by self-proclaimed leftist (although I can't imagine a more far-right, misogynistic, shit head) who goes by the name Sargon of Akkad. That's twice she has used this person's (?) youtube garbage to make some kind of point. What her point was this time is lost on me because this putrid little prick rambles from one random thought (I'm being generous) to the next without any sign of conscious thought.

Well Fuckin' Pixie, I wasted my valuable time watching the idiot saying that Trump got elected, live with it, you can't do anything about it.

Wrong we can. Every day more evidence is revealed about the Trump Crime Family's dealings with Russia, the money they owe Russian banks, and the money they have laundered for the Russian mafia. Trump will be indicted, impeached, thrown out of office in disgrace (not that he knows the term) and locked away in a federal prison.

The republican party that has tied itself to his coat tails will lose bigly in the 2018 elections. The GOP bought into repealing the ACA, giving tax breaks to millionaires, cutting funding for education, building a expensive (and yet ultimately worthless wall. The list is endless of the ways stupid fuckin' neo-cons like you are trying to ruin our country.

By the way, you re the real crybaby coward. You hide your tweets and delete people's comments. Do us all a big favor and have a big brain aneurism and just die, bitch.

You KNOW who you are...

I have four "not for kids" emails you sent me. 
Don't threaten me Bitch!

Bad Pixie (5 of #)

Liar, Liar

Bad Pixie has a blog. Very often she posts pictures of people and things. Once she posted a photo of a pretty, young lady and used it as a story starter. She did not identify the girl, but in a reply to another reader she intimated that it was the same person as a little girl in another picture seen eating chocolate. That particular photo she has said on several occasions was a younger self.

Here is the lie. I found a second photo of the pretty young lady in the first picture. It is a porno photo which makes you wonder what other lies Bad Pixie has told us.

Either the Bad Pixie lied to the person who occasionally visits her blog, or she is really a porno star. My guess is she lied to her friends. This girl is far too pretty to be her.

Bad Pixie (4 of #)

You can strut around and shit all over the place, but you are still a pathetic, whining, little neo-con on the wrong side of history. I hope you live long enough to see your warped world come crashing down on you.



I'm sure Twitter will be happy to know they did something right as far as you're concerned. No doubt you bitched and whined at them all this past week. They probably hate your guts as much as I do now.

Anyhow they plugged that little leak in your account. Aren't you happy now?

Public Trust

I hate sushi, but Trump and his closed-minded supporters are worse.

This is Trumpcare


Someone is calling me names on twitter.

"closet communists and democrats do... Harry H. is of this sort."

"exactly like Democrats and Antifa and Harry H?"

Some people cannot accept that a large majority of our nation, not to mention a large number of people around the world, disagree with her extreme right nationalist positions.

Fine. She wants to believe America should only be ruled by white people. She herself came from a pure Aryan race. Well at least half of it. She claims part of her family fought with Washington in the Revolution. How shall I say this gently? Sometimes white colonial slave owners had dalliances in the wood shed, so she might not be as lily-white as she thinks.

She believes that we should not allow immigrants into the country. Whites are ok as long as they speak English, are Christian, and can pay their own way. She hates all muslims,  hispanics and anyone with dark skin. 

I disagree with her narrow beliefs and world view. For that alone she says I should die.

It ain't gonna happen.

Bad Pixie (3 of #)

Oh No! He's Looking At Me!

Poor Bad Pixie. She is telling all her friends to block me from their Twitter accounts to keep me from seeing hers. She's even threatened to block anyone who won't block me. LOL Foolish little girl. That won't work. I can see anything I want.

The funny thing is that you have unblocked me twice in the last three days so you can spy on me.

Want your life to go back to what you call normal? Simple. Reject Trump who is the worst excuse for a leader we have ever seen. Reject hatred. You weren't like this at one time. Be the Christian you claim to be.

A life full of hatred is no life at all.

Hello Bad Pixie

I'm glad you stopped by. Leave a comment next time.

And thanks for following me on Twitter even if it was only for a few minutes.

Bad Pixie (2 of #)

Here's a recent Twitter post by the Bad Pixie:


What a horrible little person she is. This evil little bitch is so totally un-christian. She doesn't like anyone who does not accept her hateful white nationalist (read that as supremacist) beliefs.

Nazis in Charlottesville

Last night the Nazis invaded Charlottesville. They came to protest the planned removal of a statue of Robert E Lee. That was their proclaimed reason. I think it was more likely they came to get publicity and support from other white supremacists, KKK, and and racist trumpers. Instead of burning crosses they carried tiki torches.

Today they were back for the official protest in the park. They came with their nazi and confederate flags. They brought their own heavily armed militia. They took full advantage of their white privilege  to be the disgusting jack booted thugs that they are.

The good news so far (the day is not over) is that they were outnumbered by hundreds of counter protesters who shouted them down and let them know they have no place here.

UPDATE: Sunday, Aug 13, 2017

A 20 year-old alt-right (i.e. Nazi sympathizer) drove his car into a crowd and two other cars in Charlottesville yesterday killing a young woman and injuring numerous others. It was an act of domestic terrorism.

Whatever you want to call them -- alt- right, white nationalist, nazis, neo-nazis, white supremacist or the KKK, they are all heads of an evil and deadly hate-filled beast. There is no place in the United States of America for their vile beliefs.

I'm talking about you Pixie. You're part of the problem, not the solution.

Bad Pixie (1 of #)

The Pixie is apparently descending into madness. She hates anyone who defies her opinions. She recently promoted the idea that all "good" Americans (i.e. White, Republican, Trump supporting bigots) like herself should take up arms and kill all liberals who disagree with their nationalist, xenophobic agenda.

That's it. Just kill them. Trump is their supreme leader. Anyone who doubts his god ordained right to rule is less than human. We liberals do not deserve to live in this country. Muslims, Hispanics, or anyone else with a brown skin is unwanted in her America. I have a hard time reconciling her bigotry with her her having two brown adopted children. Her two came from another country, but even if you were born here she doesn't care.

When Senator John McCain, darling of the Republican Party in 2008, voted against the disastrous Trumpcare bill she called him a traitor, insane and unfit for his office, and a communist sleeper agent from his time in a Vietnamese prison camp. Remember the Donald said McCain was no hero, because heroes don't get caught. I personally think that the senator, facing his own healthcare crisis, rejected his party in favor of the American people. I'm glad he did.

Enough about the Pixie. I won't name her for now. She knows who she is, and some of our once mutual friends will too. She is not the main purpose of this blog, but I will keep you updated from time to time about her machinations. She can't hide.


Welcome to my new blog. I am a retired teacher, a grandfather of a pair of six year-olds, and a man of wide and varied tastes. I have a lot to say, but just not right now as I set up this blog.