Monday Monday...

Can't trust that day.

Yep, Trumpers in DC are going to be sweating it out this weekend waiting for that knock on the door by US Marshals and the FBI on Monday morning. Until then enjoy the Mamas and Papas.


Washington (CNN) -- A federal grand jury in Washington, DC, on Friday approved the first charges in the investigation led by special counsel Robert Mueller, according to sources briefed on the matter. 
The charges are still sealed under orders from a federal judge. Plans were prepared Friday for anyone charged to be taken into custody as soon as Monday, the sources said. It is unclear what the charges are.
That's right. Things are heating up  in the Whitehouse. It's good that Dear Leader likes orange, at least as a face color, because it won't be too long before he's wearing one of those orange prison jumpsuits.

This Week's Memes - OCT 27

The Stupid Following The Stupid

Trumpers like Bad Pixie don't want the truth. She wouldn't recognize it if it bit her in the ass, which would be hard anyhow because she keeps her head up it. I've seen the crap she calls news on Twitter. It is all outrageous claims about the Clintons, McCann, and everyone else who questions Dear Leader.

Here are a few more questions I'd like to see the Republicans answer about Dear Leader's 'Bengazi' in Niger. Looks to me like he is trying to run a little war on the cheap, and what's cheaper to Trump than American lives.

It's only Monday...

but here are a few memes to start the week.

Bad Pixie (11 of #)

Working Another night shift to pay the bills.

This Week's Memes

We don't need military grade weapons to hunt critters.

People like Rachael, the white nationalist nazi.

It's That Simple

It's not about the flag. It's not about the anthem, and it's sure as hell not about Dear Leader.

The Immortal Chuck Berry

Bad Pixie (10 of #)

Rachael the Nazi at her first rally


Rachael is a White Nationalist.
White Nationalist is another name for NAZIS.

Nazis returned to Charlottesville last night. They should be arrested and jailed on sight. Rachael the Nazi wants to rule the world.

Blood On Your Hands

If you support the NRA, you have blood on your hands. 32,000 gun deaths last year. 58 deaths this week in the latest "worst mass murder in US history". We don't need all the guns we have, and the NRA, the chief lobby for gun manufacturers, buys politicians to prevent any reasonable and sensible gun laws to be passed. 

Such a Pathetic Douche