Bye Bye

The Evil Pixie has passed on. I have mixed feelings about her. She was smart and witty, but also pigheaded and stupid about politics. She was blind to her own narrow view of the world. Anyone disagreeing with her was an enemy. I was an enemy.

At first I tried to get her to see the other side of the coin, but without success. She rejected my views and rejected my friendship. Why I continued to keep tabs on her life is even a mystery to me. 

So goodbye Pixie. May you find peace in heaven free of pain.


Bad Pixie knows that I watch her Twitter feed. She knows it because I post some of the ridiculous alt-rightwing, nationalist crap she says to make fun of her conspiracy theory paranoia. 

But I slipped up the other day. She posted about her plan to "take the prescription" i.e. commit suicide, as soon as her current book project is published. I could not resist "liking" the tweet. That clued her in on my new twitter identity and she blocked me once again. Comme ci comme ça. 

At least she knows I could care less about her life, and I know that I am still a thorn in her side.

Hmm, and this is from a Trumper!

The Bad Pixie likes to post "surveys" from other right-wing nut bags. Most are so stupidly slanted that it borders on the ridiculous. For example a recent one on her twitter feed reads, "What's the most horrible disaster to endure?"  The choices were Tornado, Hurricane, or Democrats. Dems got 96% of the vote.

Sometimes the results are not what trumpers* expected as seen in the post Bad Pixie retweeted just today. Out of 28.5 thousand votes, the survey says... Donald J Trump is dumber than a box of rocks.


* I used to call them trumptards, but it was pointed out to me that was an insult to the mentally challenged community, a group that Trump makes fun of.

More than Deplorable... it's disgusting!

I said I wasn't going to write about the Bad Pixie anymore, but when I saw this on her Twitter account, I couldn't be quiet.

The late John McCain, senator from Arizona, presidential candidate, and war hero is being smeared by her and others, even as he lay in repose in the US capital rotunda prior to his burial at the US Naval Academy.

Why does she and other Trump cultists hate McCain? After all he served honorably as a Navy aviator during the Vietnam war. Shot down, he was captured and spent 5 years in a North Vietnamese prison. When he finally was released he returned to the USA and entered politics which lead to him becoming the señor senator from Arizona. He ran against Barrack Obama for the presidency. He was a republican, but more important a man of honor. To my way of thinking the only mistake he ever made was choosing Sarah Palin, idiot, half-term governor of Alaska, as his running mate.

These Trump fanatics hated him because, when they were on the verge of destroying affordable healthcare for themselves and millions of other Americans, when their mouths were watering at the thought of erasing Obamacare, John McCain walked into the senate chamber and gave a thumbs down vote to crush their dreams of imagined glory.

From that day on, creatures like the Bad Pixie wrote, posted, and screamed at the top of their lungs that this great man, a maverick who chose his own course, was a coward, and a traitor. She still lives. Ironically medical science is keeping her alive, but I doubt she will live long enough to face the facts that she is so wrong about America.

America's Shame

The world is watching us as our would-be dictator and his cohort of henchmen continue to drag us down into a fascist state. The government's policy toward immigrants (many actually refugees) is shameful and immoral.

Those Were The Days

Nine years ago the Bad Pixie started a Twitter account. Shortly afterwards I joined Twitter to follow her. After she friended me I sent this tweet. Back then our tweets were like conversations, a lot of back and forth about her children, her goats, and life in general. We made jokes with each other and even talked about her history research - a subject that was really boring to me.

What changed? The times for one. Our society continued to become more polarized politically. She had always been on the conservative side of things. The other thing was her health. She was working two jobs when I first met her along with raising a household of five girls. She was prone to seizures due to her degenerative brain disease, something that was genetic and with no cure. As her condition she gave up one job and then the other. She had a series of small strokes. Finally she has reach the point where she is bedridden a good deal of the time.

As her health got worse with time she became more bitter about life in general and like so many conservative Americans she looked for a scapegoat for her anger. At an earlier time all her venom was directed at the Watchtower Society, the Jehovah's Witnesses. Now she broadened it to include Democrats, liberals, and globalists. If you look at her Twitter feed from the past 2-3 years you will see it full of hateful comments about liberals as rapists and murderers who want to give our country to drug-dealing hispanics, one-world antifascists, and all muslims.

I found it insulting that she slandered liberal Americans that way when she knew one of her friends (for nearly 10 years) was a progressive Democrat, but our friendship meant nothing to her and I realized it never did. She used me as a convenient ear to her wit, and an occasional post to her web page. When I stopped agreeing with her; when I spoke up and challenged her beliefs, she had no use for me anymore.

If you look at her Twitter feed today you will see her few friends are an elderly gentleman who helps her research the Jehovah's Witnesses, and a few fiction writers she has befriended over the years. All of them avoid talking politics with her. She also follows a large group of extreme right-wing bigots. If some of them are not Russian-bots, then they get much of their "information" from them. These people are a small minority of Americans, with a big hatred for anything they cannot control and therefore must blame for their frustrations in life. They wrap themselves up in the flag and uniformly love Trump and hate anyone whom he hates.

When we first met ages ago on Second Life it was thrilling to make friends with people from all over the world. Of the friends I had I was able to meet two face-to-face. One of them is still a Facebook friend and sadly one other passed away. Even though we live on opposite coasts, I had always wanted to meet the Bad Pixie. I envisioned meeting her and all her family, maybe taking them all out to dinner and learning more about each other's real lives. Sadly that was not to be. Friendship cannot be one-sided. I have wasted too much time on a fiction. Goodbye Pixie.